I believe Health Coaches are the missing link between Doctors and Patient care.

Lets focus on you.

01 — Identify your individuality

First thing is to identify what motivates you to be better and why. Understanding that your needs are unique and that your path to health will not look like anyone else. I will help you gain the confidence and guidance you need to trust your intuition and not force things that don’t work for you.

02 — Set realistic goals

Now that we know what is unique about you we can make a plan. Together we will set small, two to four-week goals based on your own personal needs. No rigged restrictive diets. No high-intensity workouts. No products to buy. Just adding in more of the things that make you feel good so there is less room for the things that make you feel bad.

03 — Keep in touch

The best tool for staying on track is accountability. With regular check-ins either by text, email, phone or in person. I will always be available when you need me with recipes, articles, links, and personal experience. You will gain trust and confidence in your own body. We will learn how to listen and trust those signals our body is sending, they are the real guide to optimal health.

The best place to start your health journey is here.

The best time is now.