Let’s work together

Individual Sessions

Bi-Weekly 70 minute, in person or virtual individual session led by Dorie

Individual sessions require a three month commitment. Together we focus on creating new healthy habits around your own personalized needs. Setting small achievable goals to help you stay motivated and on track which leads to permanent and lasting changes to your health.

Group Sessions

Weekly 60 minute, virtual support group, lead by Dorie

Groups have 6-10 consistent members and requires a 6 week commitment. We will focus on whole body health. Nutrition, meal prep, gut health, blood sugar regulation, hormone balance, sleep, stress management, movement and the benefits of community and relationships. Improving mental and physical health with the support of a like minded community.

Secondary Session

Twice per week text check-ins with Dorie

This is an option for clients who have already completed an individual or group session and would like to continue getting support by checking in with Dorie twice per week. They will also have access to a private FaceBook group and other group events so that they can continue to stay accountable and on track.